March 22, 2024

Passantino Ethics Complaints Dismissed

The Georgia and DC bars have now dismissed a set of ethics complaints against attorney Stefan Passantino. As readers may recall, LDAD filed an 18-page ethics complaint against Passantino in both Georgia and DC in connection with his representation of Cassidy Hutchinson, a key witness before the Congressional committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021.

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January 27, 2023

CA Disciplinary Authority Files Charges Against John Eastman

Yesterday, the State Bar of California filed disciplinary charges against John Eastman for his role in attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election. LDAD commends the Office of Chief Trial Counsel for seeking to hold Mr. Eastman accountable.

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June 8, 2022

State Bar of Texas v. Texas AG Paxton

As we have shared with you in the past, in July of 2021, LDAD and 16 distinguished Texas lawyers, including four former State Bar of Texas Presidents, filed an ethics complaint against Texas Attorney General Kenneth Paxton. Today we are providing you with an update to this action.

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