Our Democracy Commitment offers a blueprint for lawyers to help ensure our democratic institutions are stabilized, the right to vote is enhanced, and vigorous civil discourse is undertaken with respect.
Connect with LDAD by following us on LinkedIn. Reach out to volunteer by contacting us at Hello@LDAD.org. You can also receive our latest emails by subscribing to our newsletter.
Donations help us to expand and strengthen our coalition and our work. You may contribute any amount you choose or join us by making a monthly recurring donation.
Give others the benefit of your legal knowledge and point of view by writing an op-ed or letter to the editor in a general interest or legal publication. We would love to hear if your letter or op-ed is published.
Encourage bar associations of which you are a member to create programs and projects designed to protect democracy and the rule of law. Our Democracy Commitment provides a blueprint for what can be done.
Encourage your law school to support teaching, pro bono litigation, and other measures relating to defending the rule of law and opposing voter suppression efforts.
Ensure that your law firm or company is doing its part to oppose efforts to undermine our democratic form of government.
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