

Students Strengthening American Democracy

LDAD is working to bring the cause of democracy to campuses across the country through a student-led initiative, Students Strengthening American Democracy.

We are facing one of the most consequential times in American history. At stake? Democracy.

American democracy is in grave danger. For years, actions by the federal government have weakened core constitutional principles, and states have passed laws that have moved them closer to autocratic forms of government than democratic governance.

As imperfect a form of government as democracy may be, it is the cause of our generation to ensure that we not only protect democracy from autocratic rule, but that we seek to strengthen it at every opportunity.

It is no secret that college students are passionate about addressing social issues ranging from gun violence and mass incarceration to climate justice and wealth inequality. And yet, in 2022, the national youth voter turnout was just 23%.

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We must do better.

We know that many younger voters are disillusioned with the state of American Democracy. This disillusionment is understandable. Congress has been in gridlock and has failed to produce much-needed change. Moreover, because of systemic barriers to the right to vote, election results represent the desires of only a portion of the population.

These challenges are symptoms of a system where democracy has been under sustained attack and too few of our leaders have stood in its defense. Students across the country can make the reality of democracy match its fundamental ideals of freedom, equity, and justice.


Students Strengthening American Democracy helps college students across the country take action in the following ways:  

Sign the Student Pledge

The student pledge demonstrates a commitment to vote, as well as a commitment to volunteer or intern at an organization devoted to the ideals of democracy.

The Pledge is in two parts. First, signers agree that, at some point during their undergraduate experience, they will volunteer or work for an organization protecting and improving democracy.

The second part of the Pledge is a commitment to vote in federal, state, and local elections, the most fundamental value in our democracy and the key to producing meaningful change in government laws and policies.

Volunteer or Intern for a Pro-Democracy Organization

By pledging to engage with a pro-democracy organization, students are committing to take actions that can make a difference, whether it be an internship or just a few hours of volunteering at a poll station during an election.

LDAD will help connect students with opportunities to engage, and will track nonprofit, nonpartisan, and pro-democracy organizations that students can contact for potential internship opportunities. Organizations that would like to be included can contact:

Start a Chapter at Your School

Join our student-led drives to enlist students – with the support of faculty and administrative leaders – to pledge engagement with pro-democracy organizations and to vote. We'll offer you resources, mentorship, and whatever else you may need to make an impact. 

Email us at if you are interested in starting a chapter on your own campus.

Follow & Subscribe

Connect with LDAD by following us on Linkedin or contacting us at You can also receive our latest emails by subscribing to our newsletter.You can also receive our latest emails by subscribing to our newsletter.

Student Resources

The following articles and other resources were selected by student leaders to demonstrate how advancements in civil rights and social justice are dependent on a strong democracy. These articles are offered for additional background reading and represent the perspectives of the cited sources only; they are not provided as official organizational opinions of Lawyers Defending American Democracy or the student initiative of Students Strengthening American Democracy. You may recommend articles on democracy by emailing