Lawyers Defending American Democracy is a coalition of lawyers united in the defense of our democracy.


Who We Are —

We believe that as members of the legal community, we have a unique responsibility to defend the Constitution and the values on which our democracy depends.

Our Efforts —

We have launched numerous initiatives addressing threats to our democracy and have sought accountability for those in our profession who violated their ethical obligations.

Take Action —

We invite you to speak out, get involved, and join our efforts to protect democracy and the rule of law at this critical time.

featured press

Marching Towards Autocracy: How States are Failing Democracy– And What We Can Do About It

Numerous states have been implementing laws that undermine core principles of democracy. With these developments happening quickly – and often with little public awareness – LDAD set out to identify, catalogue, analyze, and publicize these efforts in five states. This is a foundational LDAD document that offers a touchstone for future activities. 


Call on Justice Thomas to Recuse Himself in Trump v. United States

More than eleven thousand individuals have signed our call to United States Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, requesting that he exercise his leadership and persuade Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from sitting on the presidential immunity case, Trump v. United States. It is unfortunate that the new Code of Conduct adopted by the Court has no mechanism for enforcement, even when a Justice ignores a clear conflict that should require his recusal. At the very least, we must let the Court know that if Justice Thomas insists on participating in this matter, the loss of public trust and confidence in this institution becomes increasingly irreparable.


The Year in Review: 2023


LDAD Calls for Professional Discipline of Attorney Stefanie Lambert for Undermining Election Security

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